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army ground forces bandの例文


  • As a conductor, he worked at the Army Ground Forces Band in Fort McPherson near Atlanta, Georgia.
  • The new band existed under the umbrella of U . S . Army Ground Forces, and was renamed The Army Ground Forces Band.
  • During World War II Mear served with the 184th Army Ground Forces Band and later was transferred to the First Combat Infantry Band ( FCIB ) in Washington, D . C ., under Chester E . Whiting.
  • The Army Ground Forces Band consists of a variety of musical ensembles, including the marching band, the concert band, the Jazz Guardians, the Old Flint River Dixieland Band, the rock band  The Loose Cannons,  and various ceremonial and chamber ensembles.
  • The band has also been featured at the US Army Ground Forces Band Tuba / Euphonium Conference, the Southeast Regional Tuba / Euphonium Conference, Atlanta Trumpet Festival, the International Trumpet Guild Conference, the International Trombone Festival, the Deep South Brass Band Festival, the Southeast Trumpet Festival, and the Great American Brass Band Festival.
  • U . S . Army Forces Command is charged with the combat readiness of active and reserve component Army units and the Army Ground Forces Band has been designated as the  Musical Ambassador of the American Combat Soldier .  The mission of the Army Ground Forces Band is to fulfill the requirements of U . S . Army Forces Command at local, national, and international events by providing musical support for military, state, recruiting and civil functions, formal concerts, and recreational activities.
  • U . S . Army Forces Command is charged with the combat readiness of active and reserve component Army units and the Army Ground Forces Band has been designated as the  Musical Ambassador of the American Combat Soldier .  The mission of the Army Ground Forces Band is to fulfill the requirements of U . S . Army Forces Command at local, national, and international events by providing musical support for military, state, recruiting and civil functions, formal concerts, and recreational activities.